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Structures make up a base in Tempest Rising.

Types of structures


Buildings are typically large structures that orchestrate the functions of a base.

Construction yards

Construction yards serve as the "heart" of a base, from which new buildings and defenses are built. Each faction has their own unique way of building structures.

  • The GDF Construction Yard builds structures on site and are completed via drone package delivery; the player orders a structure, deploys the construction site on the field, and then waits for the structure to be fabricated and completed. However, their construction sites are vulnerable to attacks.
  • The Dynasty Construction Yard builds structures within itself and deploys them at the target site via drill pod; the player orders a structure, waits for it to be built, and then deploys it on the field.
Global Defense Forces GDF TR GDF ConYard Icon.png
Tempest Dynasty Dynasty TR DYN ConYard Icon.png

Production buildings

Production buildings are responsible for producing and deploying new units onto the battlefield. Players in control of multiple production buildings for the same unit type are given extra queues from which they can produce units in parallel. Each faction has a barracks to train infantry, a ground vehicle production building, and an aircraft production and maintenance facility.

Global Defense Forces GDF TR GDF Barracks Icon.png TR GDF Vehicle Bay Icon.png TR GDF Air Control Tower Icon.png
Tempest Dynasty Dynasty TR DYN Barracks Icon.png TR DYN Machine Shop Icon.png TR DYN Air Factory Icon.png

Economic buildings

Economic buildings are responsible for the collection, generation, and storage of Credits resources and Power power in a base. They include Power Plants (for providing power) and Refineries (for earning credits).

Global Defense Forces GDF TR GDF Power Plant Icon.png TR GDF Refinery Icon.png TR GDF Silo Icon.png TR GDF Adv Power Plant Icon.png
Tempest Dynasty Dynasty TR DYN Power Plant Icon.png TR DYN Silo Icon.png

Tech buildings

Tech buildings are required to unlock the next tier for a base. They are typically the most costliest structures in terms of resource and power requirements.

Global Defense Forces GDF TR GDF SatUplink Icon.png TR GDF Data Core Icon.png
Tempest Dynasty Dynasty TR DYN Radar Station Icon.png TR DYN Specialist Bureau Icon.png

Support structures

Support structures provide additional utility such as unit maintenance and repairs.

Global Defense Forces GDF TR GDF Air Pad Icon.png TR GDF Repair Bay Icon.png
Tempest Dynasty Dynasty TR DYN Air Pad Icon.png


Defenses are small structures whose main purpose is to defend a base or a position from the enemy.

Automated defenses

Turrets and towers are automated defenses that attack the enemy should they come within their proximity. Most automated defenses require Power power in order to function.

Global Defense Forces GDF TR GDF Gatling Turret Icon.png TR GDF Laser Turret Icon.png TR GDF Grenade Turret Icon.png TR GDF Tempest Artillery Icon.png TR GDF Haywire Turret Icon.png
Tempest Dynasty Dynasty TR DYN Flame Turret Icon.png TR DYN Rocket Turret Icon.png TR DYN SAM Site Icon.png TR DYN Sensor Array Icon.png TR DYN Voltaic Turret Icon.png

Passive defenses

Barriers and walls are passive defenses that deny the enemy access to an area. These include structures like Concrete Wall, Sandbags, and Fences. Barrier segments can be connected together during construction.

Global Defense Forces GDF TR GDF Concrete Wall Icon.png TR GDF Concrete Gate Icon.png
Tempest Dynasty Dynasty TR DYN Concrete Wall Icon.png TR DYN Concrete Gate Icon.png

See also