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Power Power is a core game mechanic in Tempest Rising.


Green power meter next to the minimap display

Power is needed to keep a base working at maximum efficiency and well protected with automated defenses. GDF and Dynasty structures require power to function, which are provided by power plants; as the base expands the power drain increases and thus more power plants are needed to be built.

The vertical power meter to the left of the sidebar indicates if the player is at sufficient power. The color determines the state of the player's power production.

  • If the power meter is green, the power grid is at a normal state and additional structures can be built.
  • If the power meter is yellow, the power drain is almost equal to the power supply, which means the player may need to build more power plants soon. This has no gameplay effect, but serves as a warning to the player.
  • If the power meter is red, the base is at a low power state.

Individual buildings can also have a lightning bolt icon over them which indicates 1 of 3 things about its power status:

  • White icon: Building has been manually depowered.
  • Yellow icon: Building is running but is operating in Low Power Mode. Present for essential structures such as the Barracks or Refinery which can still operate in lower power (see Low Power below).
  • Red icon: Building is contributing to power consumption, but cannot be powered right now and is overdrawing power from the grid.

Low power

If the power drain is greater than the power supply, a base enters a low power state. The following effects will occur:

  • Base defense structures will cease to function, as will structures providing passive benefits such as the Satellite Uplink.
  • Production structures such as the Barracks remain powered, but will take 50% longer to train units.
  • Some structures, such as the Refinery, have no negative effect during Low Power, though they do still add power demands to the grid.
  • Depowered buildings still count as existing for the purpose of meeting tech prerequisites.

Should the player be at a low power state, they must either build more power plants, sell power-hungry structures, or depower non-essential buildings using the Power toggle tool. Otherwise, the player is at a great disadvantage, with their powerless base being vulnerable to attacks.

Other power uses

Power is used by the Tempest Dynasty to enact Plans.


  1. 3D Realms (28 September 2022). "Tempest Rising - Dev Blog 1.0". YouTube. Retrieved 2 January 2023.