Air Control Tower

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The Air Control Tower is GDF's forward operating base for aircraft in Tempest Rising.


While the GDF maintains a large air force of condor and jet aircraft, proper air traffic control is required to requisition their use in a particular theater, and to oversee restocking and maintenance of local air forces. The Air Control Tower is the primary component of this process and is also equipped with a powerful Comms array to assist in battlefield coordination in its immediate vicinity.

Using its high-powered communications and satellite array, the Air Control Tower coordinates with both SyComm and local forces, facilitating the rapid relay and administration of information to nearby units, and greatly improving combat efficiency for boots on the ground.[1]

Game structure

The Air Control Tower calls in air units for the GDF. It contains 2 Air Pads to restock and repair friendly aircraft. The Tower also provides the Comms Comms status effect in a small area. It unlocks the Spy Drones support power.


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Support powers

See also


  1. "The Global Defense Force". Tempest Rising Official Game Site. Retrieved 15 September 2023.