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Sergent Srdjan Radojević is a Machinist of the Tempest Dynasty. He serves as the vehicular support specialist.


The leader of a subdivision of the Dynasty Corps of Machinists, Sergent Srdjan Radojević is responsible for the weaponry and technology used by the Dynasty. He was drafted to the Dynasty from a university where he lectured on the sciences. A straightforward and literal-minded sort of man, he shows delight in manufacturing weapons for the Dynasty and is not very happy when his "toys" come back in pieces. In combat, Srdjan wears a heavily armoured mechanized exoskeleton of his own design, an extension of what Dynasty Technicians utilize. This frame is equipped with a small Voltaic projector as well as a man-portable Searchlight Sensor and potent repair rig.

Much like a Salvage Van, Srdjan's rig enables rapid repairs for nearby Dynasty structures and armour.

Similar to the Demolitionist's armor, the Tempest battery in his suit prevents Srdjan from utilizing both his Sensor weapon and his Voltaic projector at the same time.

While hesitant to utilize it, Srdjan's exoskeleton is equipped with a Tempest Dynamos inhibitor, allowing for an increased recharge of his weapons as the cost of damage to himself and his suit.[2]

Game unit

The Machinist can passively and rapidly repair nearby friendly vehicles and structures with his repair rig, and has two weapons he can swap between. His Voltaic projector is effective against enemy armoured units and can instantly destroy any vehicles that are suffering from Tempest Overflow Tempest Overflow; whereas his Searchlight Sensor is essentially a portable Sensor Array that builds Tempest Charge Tempest Charge in vehicles and detects enemy stealth.

The Machinist can increase his rate of fire at the cost of health with the Tempest Dynamos ability.



  1. Casteel, Brandon (12 December 2023). Dynasty specialists' nationalities. 3D Realms Discord. Retrieved 22 December 2023.
  2. "The Tempest Dynasty". Tempest Rising Official Game Site. Retrieved 15 September 2023.