Tempest Rig

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Lifeblood of the Dynasty!
—Tempest Rig

The Tempest Rig is the mobile refinery of the Tempest Dynasty in Tempest Rising.


The Tempest Rig is a mobile platform that refines the fluid harvested from Tempest pods while on the move. As of 1997, around 200 Rigs are deployed across Eastern Europe.[1]

Game unit

The Tempest Rig can deploy into a Refinery structure, where its four wheels will detach into individual Tempest Miners to collect nearby Tempest. Each Miner will collect up to 100 Credits credits worth of Tempest before returning to the deployed Refinery. It has a visual meter on its top to indicate the amount of Tempest it can store up to.

As a structure, the Rig is vulnerable to being captured by Engineers. In its mobile mode, it is a heavy vehicle and can crush infantry and smaller vehicles.

The Rig requires all four of its Tempest Miners to be mobile. If a deployed Rig loses a Miner, another will respawn for free 15 seconds later when the Rig can become mobile again or resume full harvesting operations.[2] If a Rig loses two or more Miners the time to respawn is queued, so it would take 30 seconds to fully recover 2 lost miners, or 60 seconds if all 4 are lost.[3]

The Rig is produced from the Machine Shop.


Tempest Rig mode

Refinery mode



See also


  1. Slipgate Ironworks, 2B Games, Tempest Rising. Dynasty mission 1: "The Tempest Gambit".
  2. Casteel, Brandon (10 April 2023). "Though a Tempest Rig cannot move without having all 4 of its harvesters since they act as the wheels." Tempest Rising Discord. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
  3. RocketCat (30 August 2023). "GDF Harvester vs Dynasty Tempest Rig, which is better? | Tempest Rising". YouTube. Retrieved 3 September 2023.