Salvage Center

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The Salvage Center is a firebase deployed by the Salvage Van.

Game structure

The Salvage Center serves as a repair platform and construction outpost, providing build radius. It is armed with a roof-mounted cannon to defend itself against enemy units.

The Salvage Center has two modes to toggle between:

  • In repair mode, the Center repairs allied vehicles within its radius.
  • In salvage mode, the Center salvages every vehicle around itself periodically, including enemy vehicles, refunding all or part of the original Credits credit cost of the vehicle.[1] It starts a timer on any vehicle that enters its proximity. When the timer runs out, the vehicle is destroyed and the player gets the refund.[2]


  1. Casteel, Brandon (15 September 2023). Salvage Center modes. Tempest Rising Discord. Retrieved 15 September 2023.
  2. Casteel, Brandon (21 April 2024). "It can swap to Salvage Mode which changes the AOE to start a timer on any vehicles entering the zone." Tempest Rising Discord. Retrieved 21 April 2024.