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Want me to place a rocket somewhere?

The Havoc is a fast attack buggy of the Tempest Dynasty.


In the earliest days of the conflict between the Dynasty and GDF, the Dynasty found themselves struggling to meet the high cost and demands of such an expansive conflict. Quick to manufacture and relatively inexpensive, Havocs were rapidly produced in the early stages of the war. While unable to go toe-to-toe with armoured vehicles like the Boar or Hunter Tank, Havocs excel at picking off undefended targets or causing chaos near production or harvesting operations. in a desperate situation, the threat of these highly mobile rocket platforms is often enough to give a commander the upper hand.[1]

Game unit

The Havoc can engage ground and air targets with its rockets. Though lightly armoured, its high rocket damage and fast speed makes it an ideal harasser against enemy vehicles and air units. It is also capable of transporting three infantry units.



See also


  1. "The Tempest Dynasty". Tempest Rising Official Game Site. Retrieved 15 September 2023.