Aleks Molchalin

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We have a lot of work to do. For too long we have been idle as GDF lays claim to the Tempest that is rightfully ours, our birthright! This responsibility fell to me and with every fibre of my being, I swore that I will lead our people towards the destiny that my father had envisioned. I will make him proud. Our destiny begins today, our will be incandescent, and you will have the honour of lighting the torch paper.
—Aleks Molchalin, The Tempest Gambit

Aleks Molchalin is the son of Domovoy Molchalin, the founder of the Tempest Dynasty. While his aging father serves as the figurehead, Aleks has taken over as self-proclaimed leader and directs the operations of the Dynasty against the Global Defense Forces.[1]



  1. 3D Realms (28 August 2022). "Tempest Rising - Gamescom 2022 First Mission Developer Commentary". YouTube. Retrieved 1 January 2023.