The Tempest Gambit

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Command has opened requirements for Tempest harvesting. You will be reclaiming Tempest from Dynasty soil in the Balkans, currently under the control of GDF. A storm is brewing, General...
Jelena Melnik

The Tempest Gambit[1] is the first mission of the Tempest Dynasty campaign in Tempest Rising.[2]



The Global Defense Forces had encroached and established Tempest harvesting operations in the Balkans, territory of the Tempest Dynasty. Lieutenant Melnik informed the new Major General about the Dynasty leadership's orders to reclaim Tempest in the region for their next plans. Their mission in North Macedonia was to first retake the Dynasty base, which had been abandoned during GDF's push towards the Adriatic Sea; then reactivate the captured Tempest Rig, harvest the nearby Tempest, and escort the Rig out of the area by naval transport. The militia in the area were still loyal to the Dynasty and would aid the General in their objectives.

The Mission

A squad of Dynasty Guards arrived and engaged a GDF checkpoint to the east. As they headed west towards the abandoned base, Dynasty reinforcements arriving from the southeast attempted to cross the bridges, but they came under attack by the GDF garrison and the bridges were subsequently demolished by airstrikes. Only a handful of troops of the Ignitor Corps managed to link up with the Guards. The soldiers continued westward, grouping up with another squad before reaching a village where the local militia were now engaged with GDF forces.

Militia, the Dynasty are here! It's our time! Push GDF out of our land!

The Dynasty troops cleared the GDF out of the village. The militia were elated that the Dynasty had returned, and offered themselves to be placed under the General's command to push GDF presence out of their land. Reinforced by Havocs driving in from the southwest, the Dynasty force assaulted the GDF garrison in the abandoned base and secured the Barracks. They recaptured the Tempest Rig and begun harvesting the nearby Tempest, all the while they held out against the GDF assault on the base.

GDF's attack died down once the enough Tempest had been harvested. Melnik advised the General to get the Rig out as soon as possible leaving nothing behind, since GDF were calling in for more reinforcements. The General was to escort the Rig to a lake up north where a naval transport was waiting. There were two routes that the General could have taken: the most direct western route was being fortified by GDF, and the eastern route was not as fortified but its bridges were destroyed in the aforementioned airstrikes. The GDF in the area were supported by anti-air Peacekeepers from a nearby outpost, preventing the Dynasty from paradropping additional forces.

The General regrouped and built up a sufficient force to push through the GDF defenses and escort the Rig to the naval transport.



  • Technicians can repair friendly vehicles and structures at no cost.
  • When you have secured the abandoned Dynasty base and defended the Tempest Rig, you can capture the Power Plant to restore power and the Radar Station to sell for additional credits.
  • Although Melnik mentions you should sell your structures while escaping with the Tempest Rig, this does not need to be done. You can still keep your Barracks to train additional infantry.
  • There are pickup crates that provide credits scattered throughout the map. Destroying any of the GDF Silos will spawn a crate.
  • When taking out the Air Pads and Peacekeepers to the southeast, you can use Missile Troopers and Havocs to fire over the cliff.


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  • There is a drawing of a bird on one of the village buildings saying "Nice Legs Bro!".


  1. 3D Realms (28 August 2023). "The Tempest Rising Demo is now Available!". Tempest Rising Steam News. Retrieved 28 August 2023.
  2. Slipgate Ironworks, 2B Games, Tempest Rising. Dynasty mission 1: "The Tempest Gambit".