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Captain Genevieve Salé is the Hijacker specialist of the Global Defense Forces.[1] Her primary role is anti-vehicle disruption.


Captain Genevieve Salé is an accomplished soldier and was selected by the science division for her ability to remain level-headed and adapt during the chaos of the battlefield. Captain Salé is outfitted with the science division’s more experimental and cutting-edge technology, trusted to put it to use in live firefights and bring it back in one piece.

Entrusted with the GDF's highest stable concentration of Tempest-derived explosives, Captain Salé's grenade launcher is lethal to most ground targets and can also cause out-of-control Tempest electrical reactions on enemy armour.

The GDF Science Division does not discuss the specifics of the technology used to override the piloting and weapons systems of enemy vehicles, but the results are undeniable. With the apparent press of a button, Captain Salé is able to remote-pilot enemy vehicles for a short time to occasionally dramatic effect.

Captain Salé bears a suit of adaptive camouflage of similar make to that of Drone Maulers (though lighter weight). It activates while she is immobile, allowing her to plan her next move.[2]

Game unit

The Hijacker is a tier 3 specialist armed with a Tempest grenade launcher that is lethal to most ground targets and debuffs vehicles with Tempest Charge Tempest Charge. She goes into stealth when stationary and can temporarily take over enemy vehicles with her Override ability.

The Hijacker requires the Drone Pod upgrade for the Data Core and is deployed from the Barracks.



  1. Casteel, Brandon (6 September 2023). "The highest units in the GDF tech tree are the Drone Mauler Scrambler, DCU, Condor, Trebuchet, Drone Assassin Specialist, and Hijacker Specialist". Tempest Rising Discord. Retrieved 7 September 2023.
  2. "The Global Defense Force". Tempest Rising Official Game Site. Retrieved 15 September 2023.
  3. Casteel, Brandon (16 March 2024). "It costs Intel each time you take control of an enemy unit". Tempest Rising Discord. Retrieved 25 March 2024.