Satellite Uplink

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The Satellite Uplink is a GDF technology access structure.


A reliable connection to SyComm and GDF regional commands is often considered essential to ongoing operations in a region. Allowing commanders to regularly touch base with each other, regional leadership, and access ongoing situation reports as well as logistics data, has become expected for on-site command staff. The Satellite Uplink, loaded with multiply redundant computer power and transceiver apparatus, fills that role for the GDF in many theaters.

GDF found that while most of their on-site structures are sufficiently useful built from pre-set plans, computing and communications needs evolved so fast and were so unique to a theatre that it was impossible to designate a single package for their Satellite Uplink and Data Core. As a result, these buildings were designed with modular "slots" that could accommodate a variety of quick-build configuration packages, which came to be nicknamed "pods" by the GDF Engineering Division. The Specialist Pod is added to the Satellite Uplink to assist with the coordination of the GDF's limited supply of in-demand on site fixers and their gear, whose skills run the gamut from assassin training to expensive drone tech and everything in between.

When confronted with resistance that needs non-lethal resolution, GDF area commands are able to call on experienced Riot Control specialists to organize local operations. The Riot Pod add-on handles the authorizations, scheduling, and coordination of bringing these troops to the front.[1]

Game structure

The Satellite Uplink is a field structure that unlocks tier 2 advanced units and support powers. It also has the Intel Generation perk, providing 1 point of Intel Intel every 7 seconds.

The Satellite Uplink unlocks:

Additionally, the structure can be upgraded with both the Specialist Pod, which enables high-impact units and specialists to be deployed; and the Riot Pod, which unlocks riot control units and powers that specialize in friendly infantry support and anti-personnel combat.



Support powers


See also


  1. "The Global Defense Force". Tempest Rising Official Game Site. Retrieved 15 September 2023.