Tempest Air Strike

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The Tempest Air Strike is a GDF late tier support power,[1] where a squadron of jet bombers is flown in to deliver a Tempest air burst on the selected location.


The GDF does not undertake scorched earth operations lightly, but sometimes the enemy grants them little choice. The Tempest Air Strike calls in a high velocity bomber to deploy a Tempest air burst, an explosive weapon of similar principle to the shells fired by Trebuchet artillery, though of dramatically higher yield. The concentrated Tempest fluid carried by the bomb is effectively aerosolized and forms a colloidal suspension in the air for a time after the initial detonation, impairing the operation of electrical systems in affected vehicles and structures across a wide area until it disperses.[2]

Game effect

The Tempest Air Strike deals high damage to the target area, provided the aircraft are not shot down en route. All vehicles within the blast radius gain Tempest Charge Tempest Charge and buildings become disabled.[3]


  • In the first mission of the GDF campaign, the Airstrike becomes available once the player destroys all Dynasty SAM Sites as part of a secondary objective.
  • In The Tempest Gambit, GDF airstrikes are called in take out the bridges in order to cut off Dynasty reinforcements from the southeast.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Casteel, Brandon (14 August 2023). "GDF Tempest Air Strike from the preview mission is their late tier support power". Tempest Rising Discord. Retrieved 15 August 2023.
  2. "The Global Defense Force". Tempest Rising Official Game Site. Retrieved 15 September 2023.
  3. Casteel, Brandon (2 December 2023. "They each drop a bomb that deals damage and emits Tempest Chaff, which applies Tempest Charge and disables any buildings that survive." Tempest Rising Discord. Retrieved 2 December 2023.