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This page includes a transcript of the first mission of the GDF campaign in Tempest Rising.[1]


Command compound

Fisher: Commander. Good of you to join us. Gotta say, your file was a pretty impressive read. I'm Colonel Fisher, you'll be reporting directly to me. We could certainly use someone with your track record. Intelligence has a situation brewing in Flo-... (Fljótsdalshérað) Iceland. We have routine Tempest harvesting all over the grid, but some of the lights are going out, starting from the east coast. If you ask me, I reckon it looks deliberate. I want you to do a sweep of the area, flush out any Dynasty force you might find. Remind them that the GDF isn't to be trifled with. I'll link your control interface to the battle network. If you got any question, now's the time to voice 'em.

Any more info about the Dynasty?
Fisher: Despite what you hear in the news, the Tempest Dynasty isn't actually led by Domovoy Molchalin. You've seen his face. He's a figurehead, being puppeted around as a mascot. All because he founded the Dynasty, gave his people something to focus in the fallout. It's PR, these days he probably doesn't know where he is half the time. The Dynasty is actually controlled by Aleks Molchalin, his son. That man's the reason the Dynasty even qualifies as a military, rather than a band of old men waving their sticks at the world because of how the war ended. They're a threat, sure, but only because they think they've got something to point. That's why we're here.
What's the threat level?
Fisher: Technically, the threat level is negligible. To be honest, I don't like it. If it is the Dynasty, they're up to something. There's a lot of Tempest all over Iceland, and you know they're obsessed with the stuff. Why go all that way just to harass our harvesters? They've got their own irradiated zones to squabble over. Let's hope a small contingent just got a bit too big for their own boots. Watch your back out there, that's all I'm saying.
What kind of forces are we expecting?
Fisher: According to Scopes, nothing. We're chasing ghosts with guns. Maybe it is nothing, but I'll believe that when I see it. Take care of your units and keep your eyes sharp. They're counting on you.
No further questions.
Fisher: Glad to hear it. Stand by while I patch you through, and good luck. I put my neck on the block to get you this position. Don't let me down. Let's see what you can do, Commander.

Scopes' briefing

Scopes: Tempest harvesting operations have been disrupted in this area. Dynasty interference is suspected. Retake and hold the position, await the arrival of a Mobile Construction Vehicle, then build a base and recommence harvesting. Destroy any Dynasty forces, and search for signs of a nearby Dynasty base.


(A squad of Field Scouts walk by burning debris in the snow. They discover a deployed Tempest Rig in the distance.)

GDF soldier 1: What is that?

GDF soldier 2: Harvesting operation sighted. You picking this up, command?

Command: Confirmed, Dynasty activity located. Greenlight to engage.

GDF soldier 2: We're up, let's go.

(The Scouts get up and move on.)

Mission script

Find supplies outpost

Scopes: Battle control online.

(Four Field Scouts are paradropped onto the battlefield.)

[MAIN OBJECTIVE: Find Dynasty's Supplies Outpost]

Globetrotter pilot: Paratroopers incoming, good luck out there!

(Three Drone Operators are paradropped onto the battlefield.)

Field Scout: Flame turret sighted! Get back!
Drone Operator: We can scout with our drones, see if there's a better way in!

Scouting up ahead

[MAIN OBJECTIVE: Destroy Dynasty's Construction Yard]
[SIDE OBJECTIVE: Destroy Dynasty's SAM Sites (/4)]

(Two Sentinels, a Drone Operator, and a Riot Medic are paradropped.)

Riot Medic: Riot Medic, ready to roll. Let's get to work.

(A squad of Grenadiers arrive from the south to engage Dynasty infantry.)

[SIDE OBJECTIVE: Send Medic to Grenadiers]

Grenadier: Commander, we're under fire here! Need an assist!

If Riot Medic is sent to the Grenadiers:
Grenadier: Thanks for the help, Commander! Standing by for orders!

Scopes: Commander, GDF forces collect Intel as a resource. Intel is used to authorize limited countermeasures such as unit abilities and support powers.

Scopes: The Sentinel Scout Car's alternate fire mode exchanges firepower for Marking rounds, generating Intel when Marked targets are destroyed.

(Player arrives at the second Dynasty outpost.)

Field Scout: Commander, you see those barrels by the Power Plant?

Destroy Dynasty base

(Player links up with the GDF MCV outside of the Dynasty base.)

[MAIN OBJECTIVE: Deploy MCV into Construction Yard]

MCV: Someone ordered backup? Construction vehicle standing by, Commander. Let's build up that base.

[MAIN OBJECTIVE: Build Refinery]
[SIDE OBJECTIVE: Build Barracks]
[SIDE OBJECTIVE: Build Satellite Uplink]

If Satellite Uplink is built:
Scopes: Command, you can now train Grenadiers from the Barracks. The Satellite Uplink will also collect Intel passively.
If all 4 SAM Sites are destroyed:
Bomber pilot: Airstrike ready! Let's pick a location, Commander...
[SIDE OBJECTIVE: Blow up the gate]

(Dynasty Construction Yard is destroyed.)

Field Scout: Hell yeah! That's the last of them!


  1. Slipgate Ironworks, 2B Games, Tempest Rising. GDF mission 1: "Iceland".