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This page includes a transcript of the introductory sequence of Tempest Rising.[1]


1962: World War III


Reporter 1: ...have confirmed that several warheads have detonated across the continent.


Reporter 2: the world braces for the inevitable retaliation to the- [Static]


Reporter 3: ...both the United States and the Soviet Union have called for a ceasefire, just days after the death of- [Static]

Reporter 4: ...left to pick up the pieces.

Reporter 5: ...great sways of land across Eurasia, most heavily affect by the fallout from the nuclear- [Static]

Reporter 6: vote by the Union of Allied Nations to ensure a conflict of this scale will never happen again...


Reporter 7: ...strange, flesh-like vines.

Reporter 8: calling themselves the Tempest Dynasty have claimed responsibility for- [Static]

Reporter 9: ...more often in highly irradiated zones seem to be emerging from the earth...

1997: Present Day

(Dynasty soldiers patrol around a Tempest-ridden fissure. Underneath, an archaeologist[2] explores around a mysterious temple-like structure.)

Technician: What have you found?

Archaeologist: Huh... It's old... Looks like stone, but it isn't! It's uh it's too perfectly coarse, like it... It wanted to be this shape... I think it was built for the Tempest or maybe the other way around.

Technician: Is there a way in?

Archaeologist: Well, it appears to be laid down like a ziggurat.

Technician: Show me!

Archaeologist: Uh-huh, oh yes, uh yes, yes. Follow me.

(The Dynasty soldiers follow the archaeologist towards the structure. The Technician pulls a Guard to the side.)

Technician: Hey, inform Domovoy. He will want to know about this.

(Meanwhile, GDF forces arrive at the area.)

GDF soldier: Go go go!

(GDF and Dynasty troops exchange fire.)

GDF soldier: I'm taking heavy fire!

(The Technician and the Guard hear the firefight above.)

GDF soldier: Flank 'em!

(Two Dynasty Guards are gunned down.)

GDF soldier: Incoming!

(A Grenadier steps forward, taking two shots to his armor before throwing a grenade. The explosion throws a Dynasty Guard down into the fissure.)

Technician: Send the data, NOW!

(A Hunter Tank is deployed onto the field and fires its main gun.)



  1. Slipgate Ironworks, 2B Games, Tempest Rising. Cinematic: Intro_Game.bk2.
  2. Schreiber, Frederik (18 August 2023). "Nope, this is another character. An archaeologist to be precise". Tempest Rising Discord. Retrieved 30 August 2023.