Transcript:The Tempest Gambit

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This page includes a transcript of The Tempest Gambit, the first mission of the Dynasty campaign in Tempest Rising.[1]


Aleks: Ah, our new Major General! Congratulations. Your work in the field speaks for itself. Impressive, very impressive. You may call me Aleks. We have a lot of work to do. For too long we have been idle as GDF lays claim to the Tempest that is rightfully ours, our birthright! This responsibility fell to me and with every fibre of my being, I swore that I will lead our people towards the destiny that my father had envisioned. I will make him proud. Our destiny begins today, our will be incandescent, and you will have the honour of lighting the torch paper. [Chuckles] Don't stand too close...

Command compound


Melnik: Yes. I have your signal, General. It is good to see you. My name is Lieutenant Melnik, I will be working with you as your intelligence officer for your missions. Command has opened requirements for Tempest harvesting. You will be reclaiming Tempest from Dynasty soil in the Balkans, currently under the control of GDF. A storm is brewing, General... Stand by, I am connecting your terminal to our command systems. While I get the uplink online, if you have any questions for me, I'd be happy to help.

What can I expect from GDF?
Melnik: In terms of numbers - anything between a token presence and a fully operational combat-ready base. Nothing you can't handle, I hope. Our satellite images of this area are outdated but we know GDF are still crawling around on... what used to be Dynasty territory. The so-called Defense Force has been annexing Dynasty land for decades. They may have a tech advantage, well at least they think they do, but they lack an understanding and appreciation of the Tempest itself. To them, it's just a resource. It is a gift!
Tell me more about the Tempest.
Melnik: Ah yes. This will be your first mission deploying our Tempest Rigs, correct? I think you'll appreciate their utility. While GDF still uses stationary refineries, our mobile rig platforms refine the fluid harvested from Tempest pods on the move. We have almost 200 rigs presently deployed across Eastern Europe. The more radiation, the better the Tempest grows. The pod fluid is widely used as an energy source. Fossil fuels don't even come close in fuel efficiency. It's easy to harvest as well, provided you're properly insulated of course. I hear the lab coats are researching possible uses for vines themselves. That way, nothing is wasted.
Any intel on the region?
Melnik: We have an old base in this area. It was abandoned when GDF tried to push through and take the Adriatic. If you can get it back online, it'll go a long way to help you establish a foothold. Also, remember that the locals used to live under the Dynasty's flag, and the Dynasty takes care of its own. Ask them how they feel about GDF stomping around on their lands.
No further questions.
Melnik: Understood. Alright, I have you in my system. Your task is simple: get in, gather the Tempest, and get out. [Salutes] Good luck, General.

Pythia's briefing

Pythia: GDF has encroached on our lands for too long. They have taken one of our bases, and are harvesting the Tempest that is rightfully ours. Use Technicians to recapture our base, reactivate the Tempest Rig, harvest all that you can, then escort the Rig to the lake. Reclaim the Tempest, General. GDF will burn another day, the Tempest is all that matters.


(Two GDF Field Scouts are out on guard, chatting with each other.)

GDF soldier 1: Stay sharp! I heard the supply run to the base 3 klicks east didn't return. They should have been back!

(The soldier tries to pick up signal on his radio, only to hear static.)

GDF soldier 1: [Sighs] Useless equipment...

(A large GDF Harvester drives up and parks by the two soldiers.)

GDF soldier 2: Woah! I never seen one of these up close! [Walks up] The SG10 harv'?

Harvester driver: Yeah, a lot bigger and better.

(The Harvester and the Scouts are spotted in the binoculars of a Dynasty Guard.)

Dynasty soldier: Enemy sighted. Moving in to engage.

(The Guard raises his hand to signal the attack. Dynasty infantry and Havocs move in to engage.)

Mission script

Reach the Tempest Rig

Pythia: Battle control online.

[MAIN OBJECTIVE: Reach captured Tempest Rig]

Melnik: GDF holds our former base to the west. Reclaim it and get the Rig back online. You'll be assisted by Pythia, keep an eye on your radar for important pings. Command's all yours, General.

(The player takes out the first GDF checkpoint and heads downhill. Dynasty reinforcements attempt to cross the bridges from the southeast, but the bridges are blown up by GDF airstrikes. Only a handful of Ignitors made it through.)

Pythia: General, GDF is destroying the bridges to cut off our reinforcements. There's a hostile garrison between your units and the nearby village. Proceed with caution. You can use your Ignitor Corps to clear out infantry from enemy structures, or look for an easier way into the village. Clearing the village of any GDF presence could win us the favour of local militia groups.

[SIDE OBJECTIVE: Find Militia and recruit them to your army]

Militiaman: Militia, the Dynasty are here! It's our time! Push GDF out of our land!

If player arrives at the village area:
Militiaman: It's the Dynasty! They've come back for us! Everyone, ready up!

(Four Havocs arrive from the west and drive up towards the abandoned Dynasty base.)

Technician: General, Technician here. Ready to recover Tempest Rig!

Defend the Tempest Rig

[MAIN OBJECTIVE: Defend Tempest Rig]
[SIDE OBJECTIVE: Gather Tempest (/1,400)]

Technician: Rig online, let's get to work!

Melnik: Good work, General. Guard the Rig while it gathers the Tempest, and use the credits to train more infantry.

If a Missile Trooper is trained:
Pythia: Missile Troopers fire anti-armour rockets. They are slow, but can be ordered to sprint short distances.

(Over 1400 credits worth of Tempest is gathered.)

Escape with the Tempest Rig

Melnik: You've got the Tempest! There's more in the area but GDF are calling for reinforcements, get out while you can. There's a lake to the north. Pack up the Rig and escort it there. Your Technicians can repair vehicles as you go. Oh, and sell the other buildings. Leave them nothing.

[SIDE OBJECTIVE: Destroy GDF Air Pads (/4)]

Pythia: GDF are fortifying the most direct route north. Enemy Air Pads have been located. Destroy them to deny GDF air superiority.

If the Tempest Rig crosses the western bridge and takes the shorter route:
Pythia: Warning, enemy airstrike incoming.

(Tempest Rig is brought to the naval transport up north.)

Melnik: Rig secured! Well done, General. Let's get your troops out of there!


  1. Slipgate Ironworks, 2B Games, Tempest Rising. Dynasty mission 1: "The Tempest Gambit".