Tempest Rising Wiki:News archive

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12 April 2024 – Development Update
After a period of radio silence, a new development update has dropped for Tempest Rising. Upcoming beta tests and more gameplay showcases are on the horizon.


1 December 2023 – 3D Realms November 2023 Newsletter
3D Realms has released the first issue of their online newsletter, featuring an interview with Malthe Jensen, the producer of Tempest Rising.
9 November 2023 – Unit Showcase - The Tempest Sphere
Lead Designer Brandon Casteel covers the Tempest Sphere, a heavy and expensive Dynasty unit that specializes in basebreaking yet is vulnerable to air. Watch the showcase here.
17 October 2023 – Unit Showcase - The Voltaic Tank
Lead Designer Brandon returns once again to discuss the Voltaic Tank, the Dynasty's heavy tank that is armed with a charged particle beam weapon to punch a hole through the GDF's line of defense. Watch the showcase here.
30 September 2023 – Frank Klepacki Reveal
Realms Deep 2023 reveals legendary composer Frank Klepacki, known for his work on the Command & Conquer series, is involved in the soundtrack for Tempest Rising. Check out the trailer here.
15 September 2023 – Official Website Launch
The new website for Tempest Rising is released, featuring detailed breakdowns of GDF and the Tempest Dynasty, as well as a teaser for the game's 3rd faction.
13 September 2023 – Gameklusiv Interview with Frederik Schreiber
Lead Game Director Fredrick Schreiber has taken the time to chat about Tempest Rising and its inspirations with Mark from Gameklusiv. Check out the interview here.
28 August 2023 – Tempest Rising Demo Available Now
The Dynasty trailer has dropped and the full demo is out now on Steam. Experience the first campaign missions of both the GDF and the Tempest Dynasty as they make their first moves in their war over the Tempest.
22 August 2023 – Unit Showcase - The Riot Trooper
Brandon Casteel returns to give a showcase of the GDF's Riot Trooper. The video can be viewed here.
11 August 2023 – Tempest Rising Playable Preview Out Now
A new trailer has been released during the THQ Nordic Showcase along with a Playable Preview on Steam. It features the first mission of the GDF campaign, where players face up against the basic roster of the Tempest Dynasty. The preview will be available until August 28.
11 July 2023 – Tempest Rising OST - Modular Chaos
Sigurd Jøhnk-Jensen returns with a fresh track for the Tempest Rising soundtrack: "Modular Chaos".

Fandom announcements

25 September 2023 – The Tempest Rising Wiki has moved
Due to growing issues with Fandom and its recent controversies: the intrusive ads, the use of AI for quick answers spreading misinformation, and the departure of the Minecraft Wiki; we believe that the platform is no longer suitable for covering Tempest Rising. As such, the Tempest Rising Wiki has migrated to wiki.gg.
In accordance with Fandom's forking policy, the Fandom wiki will remain. However, it will no longer be updated and maintained as before. We cannot coerce users who wish to stay on Fandom, but we will welcome you if you choose to join the new site that is preferred by the growing community.
2 January 2023 – Welcome to the Tempest Rising Wiki!
Whoever comes by this post, hello!
I would like to first introduce myself. I'm privatejfx141 and I have been an editor on Wikia / Fandom for over 10 years now. I started my editing on the Command & Conquer Wiki back in late 2011, when I was hyped and helped contributed articles for Command & Conquer: Generals 2. But as many C&C fans know the game got cancelled. Nevertheless I still helped out with many strategy gaming wikis over the years.
I founded the Tempest Rising Wiki on Christmas Day 2022 and I hope it can be built up to being one of the best online resources for Tempest Rising.
Please note, this is an unofficial fan-run wiki. I have no direct connections to the development of the game itself. So, the wiki will be updated accordingly only with new information from publicly official sources and press releases from major gaming outlets (IGN, GameSpot, Eurogamer, etc).