Synthesized Command Operations

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SyComm, Code Red! Issue an immediate retreat order to all GDF units in 10 miles.
Fisher, GDF Trailer

Synthesized Command Operations, or SyComm, is an advanced military intelligence computer system utilized by the Global Defense Forces. The SyComm system assists GDF officers in the remote command of their forces by collating tactical data and assessing threat likelihood and potential outcomes.

Through enemy targets marked by GDF forces, the SyComm system passively collects metrics on the enemy's tactics, force composition, performance. This data is processed and returned to the commander, granting them valuable intel which would allow for appropriate responses to threats via authorized use of limited or expensive countermeasures.

Some GDF equipment, such as the Comms Rig, establish a connection to SyComm to coordinate real-time in order to enhance combat capabilities of nearby GDF troops.[1]


  1. "The Global Defense Force". Tempest Rising Official Game Site. Retrieved 15 September 2023.