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var instance, intersectPoint, isMobile;
var isBoundToTitle = !mw.config.get( 'wgIsMainPage' );

function StickyHeader() {
    this.$search = $( '#p-search' );
    this.$searchParent = this.$search.parent();
    this.isVisible = false;
    this.$stickyHeaderCnt = $( '<header id="ark-sticky-header">' )
        .insertAfter( '#wikigg-header' );
    this.$stickyName = $( '<a>' )
        .attr( 'href', mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) || '/' )
        .prepend( $( '<img width=32 height=32 alt="" />' )
            .attr( 'src', $( 'link[rel="icon"]' ).attr( 'href' ) ) )
        .append( $( '<span> ')
            .text( mw.config.get( 'wgSiteName' ) ) )
        .appendTo( $( '<div class="sticky-wiki-name">' )
            .appendTo( this.$stickyHeaderCnt ) );
    this.$stickySearchContainer = $( '<div class="sticky-search-box">' )
        .appendTo( this.$stickyHeaderCnt );
    this.$stickyButtonsCnt = $( '<div class="sticky-buttons">' )
        .appendTo( this.$stickyHeaderCnt );
    var $toc = $( '#toc' );
	if ( $toc.length > 0 ) {
		this.$btnToC = $( '<a role="button" id="sticky-toc" class="with-icon">' )
			.attr( 'title', "Table of contents" )
			.append( $( '<div class="toc">' )
				.append( $toc.find( '> ul' ).clone( true ) ) )
			.appendTo( this.$stickyButtonsCnt );
    this.$btnEdit = this.cloneButton( 'edit', 'Edit' );
    this.$btnTalk = this.cloneButton( 'talk', 'Talk' );
    this.$btnHistory = this.cloneButton( 'history', 'History' );
    this.$btnBackToTop = $( '<a role="button" href="#">' )
        .text( 'Back to top' )
        .appendTo( this.$stickyButtonsCnt );

StickyHeader.prototype.cloneButton = function ( id, messageName ) {
    var $ca = $( '#ca-'+id+' > a' );
    if ( $ca.length > 0 ) {
        return $( '<a role="button" class="with-icon" id="sticky-'+id+'">' )
            .attr( {
                href: $ca.attr( 'href' ),
                title: $ca.attr( 'title' )
            } )
            .text( messageName )
            .appendTo( this.$stickyButtonsCnt );
    return null;
} = function () {
    isVisible = true;
    document.body.classList.add( 'is-sticky-header-visible' );
    this.$search.appendTo( this.$stickySearchContainer );

StickyHeader.prototype.hide = function () {
    isVisible = false;
    document.body.classList.remove( 'is-sticky-header-visible' );
    this.$search.appendTo( this.$searchParent );

function throttle( func, wait ) {
    var context, args, timeout, previous = - wait;
    var run = function () {
        timeout = null;
        previous =;
        func.apply( context, args );
    return function () {
        context = this;
        args = arguments;
        if ( !timeout ) {
            timeout = setTimeout( run, Math.max( wait - ( - previous ), 0 ) );

var _handleScroll = throttle( function () {
    var anchor;
    if ( screen.width > 720 ) {
        anchor = intersectPoint.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
    } else {
        anchor = screen.height * 0.8 - scrollY;
    if ( anchor < 0 ) {
        if ( !instance.isVisible ) {
    } else {
}, 100 );

mw.loader.using( 'site', function () {
    $( function () {
        // Initialise the sticky header
        instance = new StickyHeader();
        // Get #firstHeading or #mw-content-text as the intersection point
        intersectPoint = $( isBoundToTitle ? '#firstHeading' : '#top' ).get( 0 );
        // Set up the scroll observer
        window.addEventListener( 'scroll', _handleScroll, {
            passive: true
        } );
    } );
} );