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#ark-sticky-header {
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#ark-sticky-header #simpleSearch::before {
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h2, h3, h4,
h2.flashed, h3.flashed, h4.flashed,
h2 span, h3 span, h4 span { /* Adds space at top of headers and other targets so that content isn't hidden */
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#ark-sticky-header > .sticky-search-box {
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#ark-sticky-header > .sticky-search-box > #p-search {
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.is-sticky-header-visible #p-cactions {
	display: none;

/* #region Table of contents */
#ark-sticky-header #sticky-toc {
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#ark-sticky-header #sticky-toc > .toc {
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.is-sticky-header-visible #ark-sticky-header #sticky-toc:hover {
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.is-sticky-header-visible #ark-sticky-header #sticky-toc:hover > .toc {
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#ark-sticky-header #sticky-toc > .toc > ul ul {
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#ark-sticky-header #sticky-toc .toclevel-3 {
    display: none; /* hides 3rd level of TOC links */
/* #endregion */

@media screen and (max-width: 720px) {
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